Category Technology

Don’t Get Trapped

This just an awareness for my blog readers . Think of the bad time when you go to your nearest ATM and find out that your bank balance is NILL. Because someone (a bad guy) hacked your account and transferred…

Oracle XSS

Every one knows about ORACLE . Oracle Corporation is an American multinational computer technology corporation headquartered in Redwood City, California, United States. I spotted some security issues in their website and finally they have fixed it . One of them…

LFI in Nokia Maps

Well this is my first blog-post and I am going to share a Local File inclusion bug which I spotted in Nokia maps. :///etc/passwd reported on 2nd  JAN 2013 Nokia fixes it on 20th JAN 2013 And I received an…

Nokia Email App Pwnage

This was an interesting bug which I found in Nokia email app for Symbian mobiles in MARCH 2013. The email app was not filtering the JavaScripts in the body part of the mail and thereby leading to JavaScript execution via…